
Sure Signs That You Need Tree Removal Services

Is there a tree on your property that looks as if a strong wind could take it down? A tree such as that could cause quite a disaster to your home or property. Nobody enjoys having to cut down his or her trees but there are definitely times when it’s absolutely necessary. If you have old trees on your property but you don’t know for sure if you need to have them removed, then keep reading to learn when it’s time for you to hire an experienced tree removal service.


If you begin to notice that there are fungi growing on the trunk of the tree, then there’s a good chance that it’s not healthy so call a tree removal specialist to assess the situation.

Branches Hanging Down

If there are branches that hang over your home, it’s extremely important that you contact a company that does tree removal in North Shore immediately. One strong storm could take one of those branches off and throw it right through a window or onto your roof, potentially causing some serious damage or injury. You may not want to pay a company to clear your trees but you certainly don’t want to have to shell out the money for a new roof or a hospital bill.

The Wrong Trees Could Cause a Problem

Certain trees require certain climates and conditions. Other trees require a specific amount of room for them to properly grow. If you planted a tree that doesn’t belong, it’s not going to grow and will become stagnant and unappealing. If this happens, you should get into contact with a tree removal service.

Trees That Have Invasive Roots

The roots of a tree grow horizontally and vertically. If you have a tree that has roots that grow horizontally, you can run into the risk of them damaging parts of your property, such as your septic tank. Horizontal roots can grow into your plumbing pipes and they can even lift up your concrete driveway, which could end up costing you quite a bit of money. If you have horizontal roots that are becoming invasive, you need to call a tree removal company to have them removed as soon as you possibly can.

Diseased Trees

Did you know that trees can get diseases just the same as humans can? Diseased trees are bad for your property because their infection can spread to other trees. If you see the following signs of a diseased tree, make sure to call a tree removal service immediately:

        The roots are rotting.

        The leaves have strange bumps on them.

        It has a rotten trunk or branches.

        The leaves are discoloured and lacking veins.

Dying trees aren’t exactly the prettiest things out there but there’s a more important reason why they should be removed. Trees that are dead can pose a serious threat to your home or, even worse, to your loved ones. Don’t risk your roof being destroyed by a falling tree limb; contact a tree removal company today!